Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Stockings Were Hung By the Chimney With Care

Kingsley won't remember her first Christmas, but she still needs a stocking. Here is a picture of the Christmas stockings I just purchased. These are the first items Ben and I have that say "Mom" and "Dad" and makes it all very real.

I look forward to these stockings becoming keepsakes for our family for many years to come.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Big Day Draws Closer

Monday marks the beginning of week 35. It's been a while since I last made a post - boy have we been busy. Kingsley and I had another wonderful shower hosted in our honor by my mother (Mary Lou Baglia), Ellen Mooney, Shannon Drawbaugh and Brynn Wallace. We received wonderful gifts and so many hand made items. We have beautiful quilts and family heirloom treasures.

"How are you feeling?" seems to be the question these days. I'm feeling great, staying busy with the prep of Kingsley's room and trying to tie up loose ends at work. A couple weeks ago I started to experience some numbness in my finger tips in my right hand. This was the start of pregnancy induced carpel tunnel syndrome. Good news - it's pretty common and nothing to worry about. The numbness has moved into both hands. I consider myself quite lucky since this is my first complaint since becoming pregnant.

I've become a pro at the pregnant waddle. I'm still exercising in the mornings (if you call walking on a treadmill for 45 minutes exercise) and I take an afternoon walk near my office if the weather is nice. I'm also still sleeping hard and I think the walking definitely helps.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Room Decor

More pictures to come, but we wanted to share two custom painted pieces for Kingsley's room. One is a canvas with her name on it and the other is a table and chairs set that belonged to me. I received this table and chairs in 1979 from my mother and the underneath is signed and dated. I wish I could take credit for these paintings, but both custom pieces were completed by Cindy Smith from Gainesville, FL.

It's Raining It's Pouring

Kingsley and I had a wonderful shower hosted in our honor in mid-September by some of my co-workers. We received some beautiful outfits, blankets, toys and other essentials. By far, she will be one of the best dressed kids in all of north central Florida. A very special thank you is extended to our hosts Jill Andreu, Elsbeth Russell, Debbie Phillips and Pam Blasetti.

(This is one of my favorite gifts - stuffed cow with a Day At The Farm children's book.)