Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Long Overdue Update

The last two posts were made just following the arrival of Kingsley. Now that we're in the swing of things, I thought it was time to get back to the blog. I plan to update weekly.

The holidays were a whirlwind. We enjoyed so many visitors. My Dad (Dave Baglia) & his wife Carol came up for a brief visit, then Buddy, Brynn & Kyndal Wallace. Shannon Drawbaugh made a day trip up and so did Bob, Fran and Jim Baglia. We had wonderful friends, like Megan Molyneux, Elsbeth Russell and Jill Andreu bring us dinner. We loved having everyone visit and the dinners were a nice break to our busy days.

We spent Christmas with the Tompkins at Rod & Rhonda's house. The house was full and we captured some nice photos of Kingsley with her cousins and her great-grandmother, Carriebell Tompkins.

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